A Guide to Practicing Mindfulness While Traveling Traveling offers a unique opportunity to explore new cultures, landscapes, and experiences. It's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of activities and overlook the importance of being present in the moment. Practicing mindfulness while traveling can enrich your journey, fostering a deeper connection with your surroundings and enhancing your overall travel experience. From Men's Journal, here are some effective ways to infuse mindfulness into your adventures.
Don’t Try This on Vacation: Learning From Other Travelers’ Mistakes We’ve all seen misbehavior while traveling
— and some of us have even been that tourist. The New York Times asked readers to share examples of instances in which they’ve committed a travel foul or have acted against good tourist etiquette and, maybe, their better judgment. In the more than 200 submissions they received, one consistent theme emerged: There are lessons here.
Forget Chicken or Pasta. Order the Hindu Meal on a Flight. Airplane food can be bland to begin with. Add to that the fact that scientific studies have shown that our palate’s sensitivity to sweet and salty flavors is reduced when we're in the air. For decades, airlines have been making flights less and
less comfortable in economy class. Preordering a special meal on long-haul flights is one way to enliven what has become a dismal experience. From the Washington Post, David Farley shares the results of his experiment with ordering special meals on flights